Friday, February 26, 2010


As Deb mentioned, a family reunion is in the works. We have rented the Avalon ballroom in Remsen. The aunts and uncles felt that this would be the best place for us, given the large numbers!! The date is set for Sunday, June 27th. at a charge of $350. We are asking families to contribute $50 towards the hall, with any leftover money going towards such things as paper plates, utensils, etc...

Mary Weiler Schipper and I started the ball rolling on this, but it's important that more people get involved in the planning! And, this blog is a great way to do this! What's neat about this blog, too, is that it's free, and we can continue on staying connected... forever! lol

I will try to get email addresses for at least one member per family, to send out an invite to join. I hope then, that they, in turn, will get their family members on here.

Thanks! Denise

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